I have been off working on a shoot for BBC Home & Antiques this week, with the lovely Charis White. This time the story is Scandinavian Reds and Whites. When we arrive the location house is a beautiful blank canvas, with fabulous period details, great shuttered windows, and twin fireplaces in nearly every room. Typically these location houses are all white with decent floorboards and features, just ready and waiting to be transformed.
Saturday, 26 June 2010
Swedish Style
I have been off working on a shoot for BBC Home & Antiques this week, with the lovely Charis White. This time the story is Scandinavian Reds and Whites. When we arrive the location house is a beautiful blank canvas, with fabulous period details, great shuttered windows, and twin fireplaces in nearly every room. Typically these location houses are all white with decent floorboards and features, just ready and waiting to be transformed.
Sunday, 20 June 2010
Watery ways
A saturday off is a rare treat in my diary, so I took the opportunity to pop into town to check out Waterfest, a local community event to celebrate our wonderful waterways. My pals Jo and Lucy were involved in organising the day through their work on the Reading Borough Council events team.
I have always fancied setting up home in a little narrowboat and love all the cheerful traditional styling like the rose and castle decorative details that you see painted on shutters, watering cans, buckets and planters. I would love to spend some time on a barge to see if I could live with so little width! I think it would be really cosy and I love the idea of being so close to nature.
Unfortunately, we missed their second set to go on a boat trip, which was delayed by the rubber duck race fiasco (the ducks floated upstream rather than down stream defying the laws of physics and we had to wait for them to show up before we could go on our little journey round the local canals). I snaffled some rather scrummy rum and raisin, and butterscotch fudge, as our boat pootled along the waterways around Reading. The windows were wide open which I love, and the boat seemed rather low in the water so we were almost at eye level with Mallards, Canadian Geese and Coots who swam alongside us hoping for some meagre morsels. It was lovely to see all the lush foliage along the canalside, to see little ducklings swimming with their mums, and to spot birds nesting along the way.
It was a really lovely relaxed day spent down by the waterside, a cheap family day out and everyone seemed to have a lot of fun. I certainly did and fully intend to check out either a narrowboat holiday or at the very least hiring a boat for a day so that I can get a feel for whether I would enjoy living on a boat. Watch this space.
Friday, 18 June 2010
Stars and Stripes
Monday, 14 June 2010
Wild at heart
I am probably a terrible driver as I can be a bit of a daydreamer. I have a habit of gazing out the window and getting distracted by great buildings and pretty scenery. Driving through the English countryside my mind is particularly prone to wandering, and I can’t help but coo over flora and fauna as I pass.
Occasionally you just have to stop and smell the flowers. Or perhaps snap them. As a florist I love all flowers but there is something so special about wild flowers. They seem so delicate and fragile. I am especially loving poppies at the moment for their flimsy bright petals and dusky black centres. It only takes a gust of wind and they're gone. Life's a bit like that sometimes, but its beautiful all the same.
Thursday, 3 June 2010
I want to ride my bicycle
It was my day off yesterday and as I've been yearning to get out on my bike for ages, but for some reason or other always finding other distractions to fritter away my precious time, I gave myself a jolly good kick up the jacksey and dusted down the bicycle - literally.
With all the essentials safely stashed in a dinky knapsack I set off, not really knowing where I was heading. I was looking forward to being out and about in the fresh air, aimlessly roaming and exploring, just happy to take in the views and see where my little bike led me.
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
Wild flower meadow
Something tells me it may be time to cut the grass, but I just can't bring myself to do it as the daisies and buttercups look so lovely. May just loll around watering some plants, and potting up some herbs for my window box. Then perhaps a spot of lunch alfresco in my own little meadow. I have a trillion and one things to do, but a picnic on the lawn and bike ride later sounds so much more appealing. You have to make the most of these sunny days, n'est ce pas?